
Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Book Review: Big Book of Cycling for Beginners

If you are new kid on the block of bicycling, this book will be a good companion to start explore the world of cycling. You can find almost anything you need to know to begin your journey. If you want to cycling, of course you need a bicycle. Nowadays, you can scratch your head when go to bikeshop. Maybe the first though in your mind was "Where's the right bike for me?", this book offering guidance for you to choose.

After that, you will find lot of info about how to properly dress up, choose the right community/club for you and many more. you can find tips about nutrition, how to carry things in your bike and about basic bike maintenance. This is a good book for beginner. They pack lot of information for beginner in one book. 

If you ok with black and white page and have a spare time to read, why don't try to read this book? For experienced cyclist, maybe you can finish this book in few minutes, but it doesn't hurt to add this book in your library right? You can use this boo to explain cycling to your family or your friend's,

Ride On!

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